неділя, 1 серпня 2021 р.

Ad fontes liturgicos XII

  Dear Professors and Researchers,

with this message, I would like to remind you that the International Liturgical Symposium Ad fontes liturgicos XII is going to be held on 26-27th October 2021 in the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv.

This year is a 25th anniversary of the publication of the Instruction for Applying the Liturgical Prescriptions of the Canons of the Eastern Churches
, a very important document in the history of development of the liturgical traditions of the Eastern Catholic Churches. The topic of our Symposium will follow the major intentions of this document but you also are invited to present other sources which are helpful to understand the relations between Liturgy and Canon Law.
The topic of the symposium: In Spirit and Truth: Liturgy and Canon Law
The venue of the meeting: Philosophy-theology Faculty of the  Ukrainian Catholic University (vul. Khutorivka 35а, Lviv, Ukraine 79070)
In case you are interested in the topic, 20-25 minute long presentations are welcome in Ukrainian, Polish, Slovakian, Italian or English. You are gently asked to send the titles and a brief summary of the presentations until 30th of August.
If it is possible, we would like to receive the texts of the presentations no later than 30th September. 
We hope that it will be possible to hold our Symposium offline. In case of the impossibility to hold the Symposium offline (COVID-19 restrictions) we will try to organise an online meeting.   
contact email: adfontesliturgicos@gmail.com
We are looking forward to your affirmative reply.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Vasyl` Rudeyko